crafts and activities for preschoolers


So apparently we are already in week 8 of quarantine/social distancing/self isolation… whatever you are doing or calling it - we have been staying home only seeing members of our immediate family for almost 2 months now. So I thought I would do a round-up of some of the crafts and activities that have been keeping us busy! (In this post I linked all of our favourite indoor/outdoor active and quiet play activities) This post is all about crafting - here is what we have been creating:



cardboard tube + button robots

supplies needed: toilet roll/paper towel tubes, pipe cleaners, googly eyes, buttons, markers, glue, construction paper, tinfoil, scissors

> wrap tinfoil around rolls, decorate with pieces of construction paper, googly eyes, buttons and markers. cut holes on the sides and add pipe cleaners for arms


scrap paper rainbows

supplies needed: cardboard (like from a cereal box) tissue paper, construction paper, magazine clippings (anything you have on had) in rainbow colours, glue, scissors

> cut out rainbow shape out of a cereal box or any cardboard. gather pieces of scrap paper, tissue paper or anything you can find in rainbow colours and cut into small squares. glue onto rainbow cut-out. add sequins, glitter, stickers or any other colourful additions you have as well.


cardboard tube + washi tape binoculars

supplies needed: 2x toilet roll tubes, yarn, washi tape, piece of cardboard, glue

> decorate rolls with washi tapes. cut out piece of cardboard and use it to attach the two rolls together. punch holes for the yarn and tie on each side


weaving yarn and ribbon with homemade craft stick looms

supplies needed: 6x craft sticks for each loom, glue gun, twine/string, misc. cut yarn + ribbon for weaving, scissors

> make a square frame with craft sticks and attach twine across vertically (warp) with glue gun. cover ends of string with another craft stick on each end to secure and conceal glue. cut random lengths of ribbon and yarn to weave between the twine


three-ingredient clay bead necklaces

supplies needed: 1c baking soda, 1/2c cornstarch, 3/4c water, wooden skewers, paint, string

> mix ingredients and heat in pan until dough forms. form beads around wooden skewer, or cut shapes out with cookie cutters. transfer to baking sheet and bake at 175 for 1hr. paint, let dry and string into necklaces or bracelets


sensory bubble play

supplies needed: dish soap, food colouring, water, stand mixer, misc. items for playing

> mix water and a few drops of food colouring with a squeeze of dish soap in mixer until foamy/stiff, transfer to play container. play and explore with cups, spoons or any water-safe objects or toys - change up the theme!


fruit loop + marshmallow rainbows

supplies needed: fruit loops, mini white marshmallows, pipe cleaners

> string fruit loops onto pipe cleaners and add marshmallows to the ends for clouds


ice cube painting

supplies needed: watercolours, paint brush, ice cubes, bin or tray

> paint ice cubes with watercolours and experiment with colour mixing as the ice melts!


celery stamp flowers

supplies needed: stock of celery cut a few inches from the end, paint, paper

> cut the bottom off of a whole stock of celery and use paint (on a plate or flat surface) to stamp and make flower shapes


cupcake butterflies

supplies needed: regular size baking cups, pipe cleaners, assorted beads

> accordion fold 2 baking cups, fold in haft and wrap pipe cleaner around the middle. add beads for butterflies body and antennas


pasta butterflies

supplies needed: bowtie pasta, paint, paintbrushes, thick white card or watercolour paper, watercolour paint, glue

> paint pasta with acrylic paint. while pasta is drying, paint paper like a sky with water colour. glue pasta butterflies onto paper


ice cream cone garland

supplies needed: cereal boxes, paint, kitchen sponges, assorted cupcake sprinkles, scissors, glue, hole punch, yarn

> cut out ice cream cone shapes out of cereal boxes, sponge paint ice cream tops, glue on sprinkles, hole punch sides and string onto yarn to make garland

shop my favourite craft supplies
