or take a look at all of our holiday fun:
A little Valentine’s Day tea party was the perfect way to celebrate heart day with my little loves!
I love designing my kids’ classroom valentine cards! This time - I went against my normal candy-free valentines, and did a “starburst” theme for Lauren’s classmates. You can download the printable sheet below to make your own!
As always, the christmas season went by WAY too fast, but we still managed accomplish (most of) our advent calendar activities! Eating christmas cookies, decorating the tree, making garland and christmas cards are a few of my favourites!
We always do a little Halloween party with friends - it’s a fun way to wear those cute costumes one more time, eat some treats and snacks, play some games and do a little craft. Happy Halloween!
Easter is definitely probably my favourite holiday? Maybe because it’s in the springtime, or maybe because I LOVE gift baskets, cookies and chocolate? Well, this year - I obviously got the kids matching jammies again for the night before the easter bunny comes!
One of my absolute favourite traditions is to host a little “bunny brunch” every year at Easter time. This year was our 5th annual! I always pick up some tulips from the grocery store, and we never forget our bunny ears!
What’s not to love about rainbows, green smoothies and lucky charms?! We celebrated St. Patricks’s Day this year with a little breakfast party featuring a rainbow of balloons, green pancakes, green fruit skewers, and doughnuts with lucky charms sprinkled on top!
For Valentine’s Day this year, we decided to celebrate with an ice cream party! I made a little sign that said “we all love ice cream” and made a little pink and white striped awning out of poster paper to add a little ice cream shop feel to our set up!
You’re a real gem of a friend! Download these free printable files to make your own valentines for your child’s classroom!
Christmas season is in full swing and we are feeling festive in our christmas pyjamas already! We decided to make some Christmas tree ornaments and decorate cookies for a little holiday fun!
I’m always surprised how quickly Halloween approaches after school starts in the fall! We decided to have a little halloween party on the weekend to celebrate with friends. It was fun to eat treats, play games, make a few crafts, and enjoy all the halloween silliness that comes with it!
Oh hey it’s just me again with another FUN easter basket! This year I am using these colourful crates from Urban Outfitters - I loved the bright orange and mint green colours, and they will look super cute in the kid’s rooms after Easter too!
we had a simple and sweet “little love letters” party for Valentine’s Day this year. We each wrote special notes to our family members telling them what we loved about them! It was so fun to read our letters out loud and eat cookies and as always - throw confetti!
Download these dino and car valentine’s to print your own cards to hand out to classmates!
Sitting by a warm fire…Christmas tree glowing…decorating gingerbread houses and cookies wearing matching checkered Christmas sweaters? Sounds pretty delightful if you ask me!
I’m not sure what the rules are for how many times you need to do something to make it a “tradition” - but this year we held our third “bunny brunch” before Easter and it also happened to be my birthday as well! This simple little springtime brunch made me so happy - the perfect party!
So here are the items I have gathered for their baskets! I hope this gives you a few ideas for your own little’s, or even gift ideas for another occasion! I always challenge myself to follow these guidelines for their easter baskets: something to wear, something to use, something for spring, something to play with and something to read!
I think i’ve started like 3 blog posts with “I love putting together gift baskets” … but i TRULY do! I love picking a colour scheme and finding little items that go together to create a fun little collection of goodies! I just love watching my kids pull everything out and get excited about each item too.
A fun little all-things-pink-hearts Valentine’s Day party with my 2 little loves! Let’s eat yummy treats, drink strawberry milk, make a donut craft and celebrate love day!
Here are a few things I am loving this year for Valentine’s Day - and what I am planning for a little party at home!
Let’s decorate christmas cookies! We decided to make it special with a few sweet decorations from A Little Confetti, and kept it easy by getting a cookie decorating kit from Blue Eyed Baker!
a sweet little pastel halloween party featuring cute ghosts, peachy pumpkins and mini witch party hats! I love celebrating halloween a week before - the kids get to wear their costume, eat treats and enjoy the halloween excitement, while still getting to do all of the actual halloween festivities on the real day!
our second annual bunny brunch was THE cutest! I have been wanting to do a Peter Rabbit themed party for a while - I love the idea of decorating with fresh garden florals + vegetables. Our sunny dining room transformed into Mr. McGregor’s garden - even if spring hasn’t fully arrived yet!

I wasn’t originally going to plan anything for St. Patrick’s day this year, but Lauren convinced me and I’m glad she did! I threw this together during Drew’s nap using things I already had - digging out a few things from my party bin, made a quick sign using my cricut and some leftover cardstock on a wooden board I’ve had for years!