DIY rainbow dough

I had a lot of fun putting together these goodie bags for Lauren’s rainbow party! Since I love making homemade play dough, I knew I wanted to include a special jar for her party! She only had a few cousins and my best friend’s kids at her party (since we hosted the party at my parent’s house) but I made up extra bags to deliver individually more of her little friends back home!

I used these plastic jars and designed custom labels that I printed out and ended up just gluing on with a glue stick (I didn’t have enough time to order stickers, but they ended up staying on fine!) I added washi tape under the labels onto the top of the lid to finish them off!

You can download the labels by clicking on the link below to print your own!


play dough recipe

  • 2 1/2 c all purpose flour

  • 1/2c salt

  • 1 tbsp alum (cream of tartar works too)

  • 3 tbsp vegetable oil (option to use essential oils)

  • 2 c boiling water

Mix all dry ingredients together and pour the boiling water + oil over. Mix well until well blended. Once it is cool enough to handle, knead like bread dough until it is smooth. For this rainbow dough, I made a few batches and divided it up into 5 equal parts and then added food colouring to create each different rainbow colour. I used a mix of the neon food colouring and regular food colouring to make these colours.

I shaped each colour into a flat, round shape to fit in the jar and rolled them in extra fine glitter just before stacking them in the container. Finally, I pushed in a star cookie cutter on the top!


I loved putting these bags together! A splash ball, slinky, unicorn stamps, hair ties, madegood bar, ball, rainbow wand, and of course the play dough!